My Scrapbooking

Monday, October 1, 2007

It's like riding a bike .....

So, I haven't been on a bicycle in 17 years ... but why would that stop me from going for a ride ? I must admit, I was rather nervous getting onto the bicycle yesterday ... but then I realized that old saying is true! You know, the one that says "It's like riding a bike, it will all come back to you".
I was off to a shaky start, but as my confidence grew, so did the fun !
We went for a ride in the Koeberg Nature Reserve, a few minutes outside Cape Town. They have awesome mountain biking and hiking trails and you even get to see some wildebeest and zebra. And just around the next corner is the beach ... absolutely awesome !
I think the bug has bitten me and even though I have a sore bum and aching shoulder muscles (apparently you really don't have to cling to the handle bars for life or death .... ) I can't wait for the next time we can go for a ride !

And of course what would a bike ride be without the photo as proof ...

Credits: Template, Photo Overlay and Kit by Tash @ DSSA


Anonymous said...

Totally too little comments. Don't your friends know if they add the 10000000000000000th comment they get a really big prize? Ok, time to stop talking silly. Your story about the bike is almost like mine with the radio controlled airplanes. This past Saturday myself and friend Chris went to maiden his new electric aircraft. I haven't been flying for quite some time now, so I was really nervous to fly his aircraft for him for the first time. And as Murphy's law states I had a ball of a time keeping the thing stable and in the air. I never flew an electric one before, not to mention the layout of the radio was totally different to what I am used to. And so the first flight produced a dead stick ( motor stopped in midair ) and I managed to land it 'safely'. Second flight went better but he will need to do some trimming and adjustments on it to make it more stable. But ja, it is like driving a bike. It all comes back to you naturally. Enjoy the bike and the scenery. It sounds really nice to drive close to nature like you did!! Keep well!!

Photopassion said...

Sounds like you had a really great time on your trip! Your LO is wonderful, I hope you can ride your bike soon again :)
I love riding the bike also - I drive no car and don´t use busses or trains, always take the bike *gg*

I hope you´re having a good time! Thank you very much for stopping by at my blog, I enjoyed reading your wonderful comment!

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.