My Scrapbooking

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Birthday Love !

I have been so bad as far as birthdays go ...... But, I promise to consult my birthday calendar on a regular basis once again ... and one day, when I finally catch up with the times, I'll enter everyone's birthday on my cellphone and get a reminder on the day.

Today is my niece's birthday - she is turning 17 .... I can't believe it! I can so clearly remember the day she was born, and when she started talking she couldn't pronounce my name and called me mi-mia ...... And now that little girl is turning into a gorgeous young lady... Happy birthday, Leoni!

But wait, there's more ! It is also my DH's niece, Roxanne's birthday. We do not see her often, but we're thinking of her today and hope that she's also having a fabulous day.

And then I also have to think of our dear friend who broke his elbow last night. He is scheduled for surgery this afternoon. I'm thinking of you and hope that you do not experience too much discomfort. All I can say is ... painkillers are your friend !!!!

That's it for now ..... I have so much news, the last few weeks have been a total roller coaster ride for us, but I'll update you on that later ....


Scraps of Bev said...

Hi Mitzie...I thought I'd pop over and see your new's so good like it all and makes me thinks I should update my blog...if only I could find the time!!

Yes I know what you mean about birthday reminders, I do have a list but of course I need a reminder to look at the list!!

Hope your friends surgery went well and that his elbow will be better soon, as you say 'painkillers are your best friend at times like this'!!

Love & Hugs

Cleo said...

thanks for visting and leavning those lovely comments ... I love hering from my friends. How are you doing? up and about yet or still at the mercy of everyone?